Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ready to Pop!

So for those who have never met her, this is my sister Raquel. She and her husband are living with us and, as you can see, they are expecting a baby. She is about due any day now (11/02/08 or before). Anyway, I took this pictures because my mom asked me to. It turns out that she's never seen her daughters pregnant giving the fact that she lives in Honduras and we live here. So, these are for you mami!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dance Lessons (What NOT to do)

Lesson learned this day? Next time, don't dance with a rolling pin in the middle of the dance floor!

Hope you all enjoy it as much as we did.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday Ben!

So I realized that it has been a whole month since I last posted on our blog. I have been a slacker, but I have also been VERY busy with huge projects around the house, sick kids and husband, my sister and her husband and dog living with us, trips to Portland and Spokane, church calling, etc., etc., and more etc.'s that I have not had the time or the desire to do it. I am not justifying it or looking for sympathy. I am just confessing that I procrastinate when it comes to blogging.

Anyway, I did make the time to celebrate Ben's birthday. Actually, we celebrated it when we went to Portland the weekend of the 11th for John and Melissa's annual Halloween party (which was so much fun), and last week when we had a few of his co-workers and friends over for dinner and games. It was probably a good thing that we celebrated his birthday earlier because the poor guy has been at home sick for this entire week. On his actual birthday, of course, he had breakfast in bed, went to work and came back three hours later because he was feeling really crummy. The only fun thing we could do for him, besides opening gifts, was going to the movies that night. We watched "Eagle Eye" which we thought was pretty good. Even though he was sick, I think he enjoyed his birthday. We are just waiting for him to get better so things can get kind of back to normal. So, Happy Birthday Ben! We LOVE you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nursery! Nursery! Nursery!

Since the day McKay become mobile, we counted the days so she could be in Nursery, and it's finally here! She is in nursery! It happened two weeks ago, and she loved it!. Their teachers said she was a pro. She liked being with her sister a lot, and I think Taylor didn't mind having her there either. They didn't even fight! Hooray for Nursery!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sweet Dance Moves!

This video is a little over a minute long, but it'll show you some of Taylor's and McKay's sweet dance moves! So bear with me and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are back!

So, we are back for real! With sadness I had to say bye bye to the Olympics, but just for another four years. It was good while it lasted. Now we are back to normal schedule. Here are some pictures of Taylor and McKay at Ella's birthday party. It was supposed to be a pool birthday party, but it rained on us that day (Crazy weather we are having right now!), so they ended up changing the party theme. It was still lots of fun for everyone. Taylor and McKay got the chance to decorate their own princess crowns and cupcakes, and played games with huge balloons. They had a good time. Happy Birthday Ella!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


It has been a busy couple of weeks, but I am back. . . for now. I confess that one of the things that has taken up my time, especially this last week, is the Summer Olympics. I am a Summer Olympics fan and I love watching all the athletic events if I can ( Hey, it only happens once every four years, so I've got to take advantage). I think the athletes are amazing and it's just so great to watch them perform at their best.
Anyway, what I have specifically loved about these Olympics is the time at home we all have spent watching the Olympic events. Amazingly, my girls love to watch them! I realized that they especially enjoy watching the synchronized diving and beach volleyball events. We have pushed their bedtime a little later so they can get the chance to watch them and it's been fun. They can sit there together and watch until it's time to go to bed without fighting with each other once. Aren't the Olympics great!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy 29th Birthday to Me!

Believe it or not! (I personally don't) I turned 29 years old yesterday! I have to write it down and say it out loud so it can finally sink in. I say it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be since I am still young and what's one more year, right? Well, Ben tells everybody that my age is "Almost 30." Yep, you gotta love this guy. The only way I can get back at him is by reminding him which one of us two really looks almost 30. Anyway, I am as happy as can be (for someone my age), and very thankful that my Heavenly Father has given me one more year to be on this earth and celebrate it with the people I love. Yes! It is a Happy Birthday to ME!
YouTube - happy birthday

Monday, July 21, 2008


I admit it ! We are the kind of parents that like to have a good laugh at the expense of their own kids! and I was bored too, so I couldn't resist it. It is a good thing they still don't mind the jokes I play on them and they still talk to me. I love my kids!

Monday, July 14, 2008

. . . and some cookies!

I have to share this story before I forget it. Every Sunday when we go to Church, Ben and I talk to Taylor and McKay and explain to them everything that goes on in Church. That way they understand or get an idea of why we do some things, what they represent, the need to be reverent, etc., etc. Anyway, last Sunday just before Sacrament, I was telling Taylor that we needed to be very reverent while we wait for the "pan y agua" to be passed around (bread and water as if you haven't figured it out yet). To this, Taylor looked at me and said: "Wait for pan y agua. . . and some cookies!" After she said that, it was very hard for me to keep a straight face during Sacrament. It took all inside me not to laugh out loud. I can't think of how she got the idea that we get cookies during Sacrament, but her face was priceless. Kids say the funniest things!

Birthday Party

Today was a busy Monday for Taylor and McKay. They attended their first birthday party (other than their own of course!), and had a great time. Well, the invitation was for Taylor, but wherever she goes, there goes McKay. It's a good thing she doesn't mind yet. Anyway, Taylor got an invitation card last week from her little friend from Nursery, Addie, and she loved it so much, she wouldn't let go of it. So I am pretty sure she was looking forward to this. She enjoyed buying a birthday present for her friend (Then again, what kid doesn't like going the toy store) and playing at the park. Taylor played so hard that when it came time to cut the cake and give away presents, her cheeks were so rosy and she was so sweaty. It was nice for me because when we came home, they both crashed pretty hard at naptime. Thanks Addie and happy birthday!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Family Reunion

It has been a week since we got back from the 2008 Harris' family reunion in Twin Falls, ID, and it's taken us this long to recuperate from the trip. We had a very enjoyable time and stay at the reunion. It was awesome to see most of the family that we don't get to see very often and spend time and visit with them. (We missed those who couldn't make it, but we understand). We also enjoyed all the family activities and celebration done for the 4th of July. It was great seeing our little ones also participate in these activities and getting to play with their cousins. I know for a fact that our daughters, especially Taylor, had a good time doing this. Every night we had to scrub them both in the tub three or four times just to get rid of all the dirt and sweat they had accumulated during the day; and when it got time to go to bed, they went down like a rock and even got to sleep in the next day. That tells me they had a good time! and so did we!

I am going to share one of my favorite moments from the reunion. It is shown in this picture of the men watching on the iPhone some good old Terry Tate office linebacker youtube action in the morning after breakfast. Don't they look like they are having fun?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She's Walking!

(So this happened a couple of weeks ago and, with all the excitement, I just completely forgot to post it.)
McKay is finally walking!!!!!!! After we stopped asking her to walk (especially since, during her last visit, her doctor did not show any concern about her not walking) McKay woke up one day and decided to start walking! It is now much more convenient to play outside without having to hold her or watch her destroy her knees on the cement or getting her hands yucky from crawling. However, now that she can walk, she has lost and broken some of the house ornaments that are at her reach (talk about being careful with what you wish for). Either way, we are all so happy she can do it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Take His Breath Away. . . Literally!

To Ben for Father's Day.

"There is nothing better and more fun than spending time with Daddy even when he can't handle it." Taylor's and McKay's thoughts

Taylor: "I love you Daddy!"
McKay: "I love you, too, Daddy!
Dad: "I love you g. . .uhhhhhhh!"


Monday, June 9, 2008

All Cheeks!

I couldn't help taking this picture. I figured I'd show it now when I know Taylor and McKay have no reason to get upset with me (you know we'll show this picture to their future boyfriends when the time is right). Isn't this the cutest and funniest picture you've seen though?

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Next American Idol?

Okay, she is no American Idol, but to us she is our precious little superstar!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Yesterday was our Third wedding anniversary. Ben and I cannot believe we have been married for three years because it feels like we've been married for 10! It's so awesome!
I surprised Ben with breakfast wearing this shirt that I had made especially for this occasion. He thought it was hilarious! (I have to say that I was pretty proud of myself for that). Tim and Haley baby-sat the girls while Ben and I went out to celebrate. We had dinner at Applebees' and then we headed to the movie theater to watch NARNIA, Prince Caspian which, by the way, was sooooo good (highly recommended for those who want to watch it). We had a very fun and enjoyable evening, but the best part was the anniversary gift. . . an iPhone! It's a sweet phone! I love my husband, he rocks!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Most Watched Movie of the Weekend

This past weekend, Ben was home sick with the flu which allowed him to watch this movie at least 17 . . . HUNDRED times! So I thought I'd make an entry about it. Ben is now better and happy knowing that they are making a Transformers 2 movie. We'll see if he will break his record.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Silly Girls!

I was in the kitchen when I heard loud laughter coming from upstairs. So, I went upstairs and found these two silly girls at the top of the stairs playing and laughing their heads off. Who knows what they were playing, but it looks like they were having a lot of fun. It was like they were telling jokes to each other or something. You had to be there to witness how funny they were. (FYI the cups are empty. I don't know what they think they are drinking). They are so cute!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Refuse to Walk!

"I refuse to walk!" is what seems to be on McKay's mind. At 13 months, this cute little girl, who looks so happy, completely and absolutely refuses to walk. She gets up herself and walks hanging on to furniture or holding someone's hands. However, when she runs out of furniture or we let go of her hand, she'll drop to the ground. She won't even try! We hope she starts walking soon since the weather is nice and it beats being outside sitting on the stroller or being held doing nothing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cute Couple of Kids!

So, Taylor made a new friend, Liam (He lives two houses down from ours). He brought her flowers when he came to introduce himself and Taylor loved them. They became good friends instantly. They played, talked to each other, walked together, and held hands. I think they look so cute!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


We hope they won't mind sharing the same car when they get their Driver's Permit.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Walla Walla

This past week Ben was sent to training meetings in Walla Walla for the entire week. So, the girls and I were left at home to have fun just ourselves. It was hard because we missed Daddy the very same day he left, but we tried to have some fun keeping the same routine so we could feel better. Taylor and McKay were very good. They went easy on me. I guess they knew it was two against one and wanted to give me a break. However, I have to say: "I do not know how single parents do it!"
By Thursday, we missed daddy very much that he invited us to come to Walla Walla that evening and spend the night with him in his hotel room. It is only a 50-minute drive to Walla Walla and it was only for one night that it was a piece of cake to pack the girls, put them in the car, and drive there.
I think this was the first time we spent the night in a hotel room with the girls. Luckily, Banner Bank had booked Ben in a suite, so we had more than enough room for everyone.
The girls were very happy to see Daddy and I think they enjoyed their one-night-stay in the hotel.
At night, the girls went to sleep with no problem. Unfortunately, McKay is teething and she woke up in the middle of the night. Silly me forgot to bring her drops, so she slept with us which wasn't very much fun because she could not stay still for more than five minutes (she moves around way too much when she sleeps and she would cry when we put her back in the portable crib). We took turns holding her, so we were lucky if we got four hours of sleep together that night. It was a bad night, but we enjoyed spending time with Ben. I felt bad that he had to go to work the next day being soooo tired, but he made it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Day Three of the Harris Girls' Birthday Celebration

Finally, today is McKay's first birthday! She is still our baby, but she is doing what she is supposed to be doing--growing up, and she is doing a good job. Since she had cake and opened her presents last night, we decided to have her do things and taste, for the first time, foods she was not supposed to eat until she turned, at least, a year old. So, she had whole eggs (whites and yolks) and bacon for breakfast, which she ate with no problem. We gave her a taste of peanut butter and a taste of honey and she liked them (big surprise). We also took her on a car ride using her facing forward car seat for the first time. It was about time because she had already outgrown her infant seat. At first, she acted like it was not big deal, but I think she enjoyed the ride. Even though we didn't do as much today, Taylor, McKay and I had lots of fun because we got to play with their new toys all day long. After three days of celebration, we needed this day to rest and it was still fun. We can't wait for next year!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day Two of the Harris Girls' Birthday Celebration

And the fun continues the day after Taylor's birthday and the day before McKay's birthday by celebrating their birthdays with cake and presents. We had some friends over for dinner (Ben's co-workers) and after dinner, they helped us sing "Happy Birthday" while Taylor and McKay attempted to blow out the candles and make a birthday wish with the help of their daddy.
This is the first time that McKay has had cake and we believe she enjoyed it very much.
I got to admit that I am pretty proud of myself for the cake that I made for them. They are both in love with Mickey Mouse, so I decided to use him as my inspiration. It turned out pretty cute, I think.
After allowing our kids to swim in sugar, we bathed so they could open their presents. They got cool stuff such as a face-forward car seat for McKay, utensils and accesories for their kitchen, really cute outfits and toys. It was lots of fun for all of us present.