Saturday, April 17, 2010

McKay is 3!

My second baby girl is now three years old! They grow up so fast! Happy birthday McKay! I love you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

He Crawls!

Just laying on his tummy watching his sisters run from room to room wasn't enough for Colton. So, my chubby muffin finally decided he needed to crawl and he did it last night. Precisely, the night I had to attend a church meeting and, of course, I missed the whole thing! (That's okay, the meeting was really good). Ben told me all about it when I got back. My first thought was: "I need to start babyproofing the house."

On another good note, this morning, I was able to answer "Yes! He Crawls! when asked about it during Colton's regular check-up. He passed with flying colors and way above average on his height and weight. "He's a big kid!" doc said and I agree!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Taylor is 4!

So my oldest baby is 4 today! It seems as it was yesterday she was my little baby girl. . .

And now she is my big baby girl. I love you Taylor! Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Those Primary Kids!

I am so proud of my kids. I found them Saturday playing in the family room. I asked them what game they were playing and they told me it was "Primary." I made Colton join them so I could record a few minutes of their playtime before they got distracted with me there. It was so cute I thought I would share it! Taylor and McKay tell me each Sunday they love Primary and Nursery, and it shows. I love the Primary program, too!