Today was a busy Monday for Taylor and McKay. They attended their first birthday party (other than their own of course!), and had a great time. Well, the invitation was for Taylor, but wherever she goes, there goes McKay. It's a good thing she doesn't mind yet. Anyway, Taylor got an invitation card last week from her little friend from Nursery, Addie, and she loved it so much, she wouldn't let go of it. So I am pretty sure she was looking forward to this. She enjoyed buying a birthday present for her friend (Then again, what kid doesn't like going the toy store) and playing at the park. Taylor played so hard that when it came time to cut the cake and give away presents, her cheeks were so rosy and she was so sweaty. It was nice for me because when we came home, they both crashed pretty hard at naptime. Thanks Addie and happy birthday!!!