Monday, July 14, 2008

. . . and some cookies!

I have to share this story before I forget it. Every Sunday when we go to Church, Ben and I talk to Taylor and McKay and explain to them everything that goes on in Church. That way they understand or get an idea of why we do some things, what they represent, the need to be reverent, etc., etc. Anyway, last Sunday just before Sacrament, I was telling Taylor that we needed to be very reverent while we wait for the "pan y agua" to be passed around (bread and water as if you haven't figured it out yet). To this, Taylor looked at me and said: "Wait for pan y agua. . . and some cookies!" After she said that, it was very hard for me to keep a straight face during Sacrament. It took all inside me not to laugh out loud. I can't think of how she got the idea that we get cookies during Sacrament, but her face was priceless. Kids say the funniest things!

1 comment:

  1. Los ninos son tan inocentes , eso me hace recordar todas las locuras que dice Tyani, tan seria que lo dicen que uno se tiene que explotar de l risa.

    pd: morning sickness todavia me matan pero estoy sobreviviendo!
    saludos : yreany!
